
Stay On Top Of Your Finances With Mobile Alerts

With our real-time alerts in online and mobile banking, you can choose to receive notifications about your account activity. Messages can be sent via email, texted to you, or pushed through our mobile app, so you can keep better track of your money and spend less time doing it.

Stronger security, more convenience and more peace of mind.

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Choose Your Alerts

You can customize the alerts you would like to receive and how you would like to receive them. 

transaction iconTransactions. Instantly know when a transaction has occurred, like balance drops, debit card usage, fee charged, a deposit was made and more.

ATM Icon Checks. Instantly know when a check has cleared.

Balance iconAccount Balance. Instantly know when you account balance is above or below a specified threshold.


Receive Alerts How You Want

You are notified instantly and can choose how you want to get them:

  • Text. Receive alert notifications to your smartphone or wearable device via text.
  • Email. Receive email notifications about your account activity.
  • Mobile Banking App. Receive notifications from your smartphone or wearable device through the mobile app.
  • Online Banking. View notifications online every time you log in.
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